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融會一家 Stephanie Family Home

Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (12)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (6)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (13)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (4)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (10)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (5)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (11)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (7)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (8)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (9)
Home Design hk Stephanie Wong Apartment  master bedroom (1)




在設計上首先我們將一個擁有着美景的大露台貫通與屋內,不但令屋子加大了,更擁有着一種放鬆享受的感覺! 我們設計了一個可移動的電視機平台,增加可觀看電視的活動性。 客人亦很喜歡藝術及創作,設計師亦製造了很平面黑鏡櫃門及牆身給屋主掛上作品。  客廳中有着一個懸浮式陳列架,其中電視機也像陳列品之一。 兩位小朋友之間,我們設計了一個視覺上互通的閱讀平台,增加小朋友之間的互通及趣味。 主人房近擁有着一個高級的更衣及浴室空間。


完成。 專業照片即將推出

TIA Home Design

The two owners are also well-known professionals, and they attach great importance to this new home design requirement!
In terms of design, we first connected a large terrace with beautiful views to the inside of the apartment, which not only increased the size of the room, but also provided a sense of relaxation and enjoyment!  We designed a movable TV platform to increase the activity of watching TV.  The client also liked art and creation.  We use of black mirror cabinet door and wall to hang the artworks.  There is a floating display shelves in the living area, where the television is also become one of the displays. Between the two children, we designed a visually accessible reading platform to increase communication and fun among children. The master room has an advanced dressing and bathroom space.

TIA Interior

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