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Office designed by TIA Interior

商業設計 Commercial Design

鄭林專長於高質素,高科技要求的商業辦公室。 我們設計給 摩根大通 JP Morgan,高盛 Goldman Sachs,Cantor Fitzgerald (HK) 等等! 對於空間及科技(IT&AV) 的結合十分了解! 令客人購買的高端儀器得到充分嘅使用,甚至增加它們價值和效能! 除了辦公室之外,我們亦有為兒童教育中心, 診所,非牟利機構,佛教中心,展示中心,畫廊,餐飲及展覽作設計!


鄭林在商業裝修多年。 我們傾聽您的需求和故事,為您量身打造獨特的室內設計,滿足您的需求。

TIA specializes in high-quality, high-tech business offices. We designed it for JPMorgan Chase JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Cantor Fitzgerald (HK) and many more! Know about the technology integration between space and technology (IT&AV)! Make high-end equipment purchased fully used, and even increase their value and performance!  We also have designs for children's nurseries Playgroup, clinics, non-profit organizations, Buddhist centers, showroom, galleries, restaurants and exhibitions!

TIA has been in commercial decoration for many years. We listen to client needs to create a unique interior design that meets your requirement.

只顯示部分項目 Partial Reference only
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