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家居設計 Home Design

鄭林從事家居設計及裝修多年。 由幾百尺的小蝸居到幾千呎的大宅都有。 我們利用建築設計思維去增強空間使用的概念,例如如何使用公眾空間,走廊,多用途使用區域等等。令昂貴的室內空間得到高增值! 盡量令到每一個項目都有自己的個性,令到訪者一見難忘!


鄭林室內建築設計從事家居設計及裝修多年。利用室內建築設計思維去增強空間使用。家居設計能令空間得到高增值! 擁有有自己的個性,令到訪者一見難忘! 

TIA has been engaged in home design and renovation for many years. From a few hundred sqft small apartment to a few thousand sqft large house. We use architectural design thinking to enhance the use of space, such as the public spaces, corridors, make it multi-functional. Make high-value space for high value added! Try to make each project have its own personality, unforgettable!

TIA Interior has strong experience in home design, interior and renovation for many years.  We listen to your needs and stories and tailor your unique interior design to meet your family needs.

只顯示部分項目 Partial Reference only
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