鄭添強 Timothy Cheng
總監 Director
鄭添強是香港的知名設計師,早年遠赴英國考讀5年建築設計專業,畢業後效力於國際知名的福斯特建築事務所(Foster + Partners)。 2000年回到土生土長的香港後,曾擔任多間屢獲殊榮的設計公司的首席設計師,專注金融企業的辦公室設計及項目管理工作。於2009年正式成立鄭林室內建築設計公司,達成畢生夢想。
鄭先生的設計作品備受各大傳媒關注,當中包括設計界的權威雜誌《透視雜誌》和《南華早報》以及多次電視節目專訪。由鄭先生親自操刀設計的《無印良品》椅子也於香港設計大使舉辦的Detour中展出。應香港貿發局設計及創新科技博覽邀請, 創作一件以紙張製成之《城市框架》於香港會議展覽中心創意設計展示區展出。
鄭先生於2009年起當選國際認可的香港設計師協會(HKDA), 香港室內設計協會(HKIDA), 亞太文化創意產業總會(APCIA), 香港中華總商會文化產業執委會及貿發局擔任諮詢委員會委員; 香港設計中心營運的設計創業培育計劃及PMQ計劃的評審小組成員。足以證明鄭林室內建築設計公司的卓越表現備受香港及中國內地客戶認可。
香港設計師協會董事及執委會成員 (2016-20)
香港室內設計協會 Certified Interior Designer (2018-22)
香港室內設計協會董事及執委會成員 (2009-17)
亞太文化創意產業總會董事及執委會成員 (2014-18)
香港貿易發展局-設計,營銷和授權服務諮詢委員會成員 (2014-18)
香港建築師學會雙年展督導委員會 2020
PolyU Entrepreneurial Mentor
元創方(PMQ) 工作室單位評估小組委員
香港政府認可之註冊小型工程承建商 (第II 級公司)
香港大學專業進修學院學術委員會委員 (2016-19)
香港知專設計學院客座講師 (2009-18)
城市大學專業進修學院客座講師 (2012-13)
香港生產力促進局客座講師 (2009-10)
Tim is a well-known figure in the Hong Kong design profession. He spent 5 years studying Architecture in the United Kingdom and subsequently worked for the renowned firm of global architects, Foster + Partners. In 2000, he returned to his native Hong Kong and advanced his career with a number of award-winning firms in various Project Director roles, specializing in workplace design and implementation for prestigious financial sector clients. Fulfilling a lifetime ambition to run his own firm, he established Tiron Interior Architecture in 2009.
Tim’s works have received numerous awards, including Hong Kong Trade Development Council Lighting Design awards, Perspective 40under40 awards, Perspective awards and Formica Design awards. He has been the judge of awards at the Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Today’s Living magazine and Perspective Student awards.
Tim's designs have been featured in various publications, such as the leading design industry magazine Perspective and The South China Morning Post, as well as on television. He also exhibited his MUJI chair at the Detour program organised by Ambassadors of Design. Tim was invited by the HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo to design and exhibit a specially built artwork made of paper called the “Urban Framework”.
Tim was the director and elected to the Executive Committee Member of the internationally accredited Hong Kong Interior Design Association (2009-17), Hong Kong Designers Association and Asia Pacific Creativity Industries Association. He is also a member of the China Institute of Interior Design. Tim also serves as a HKTDC advisory committee member; Panel member of the Design Incubation Programme and PMQ.
Tim is committed to “giving back” to the wider society. He was appointed as the HKU Space external academic committee member, a part-time lecturer and instructor at the City University of Hong Kong - SCOPE, Hong Kong Design Institute of Vocational Education and the Hong Kong Productivity Council, he shares his knowledge and experience to inspire future leaders in the interior design profession.
Professional Qualification (Architecture & Interior Related)
Hong Kong Designers Association (Full member & Board of Director & Exco member)
Hong Kong Interior Design Association (Certified & Board of Director & Committee member)
China Institute of Interior Design (Full Member)
Registered Minor Works Contractor (Class 2 &3 / Company)
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA Part 1)
CSCS (Green Card) UK
Advisor & Panel Member
UABB (City Exhibition Project under HK Institute of Architects) Steering Committee Member (2020) HK University Space External Academic Committee Member (2016-2019)
Panel Member of Design Incubation Programme (under Hong Kong Design Centre / 2012-now) Assessment Panel Member of PMQ Studio Unit HK (2013-now)
HK Trade Development Council Advisory (HKTDC) Committee Member (2014- 2018)
Other of Memberships (Design & Cultural Related)
Asia Pacific Creativity Industries Association (Board of Director and Exco member 2014-18)
PolyU Entrepreneurial Mentorship (PolyU Micro Fund)
Hong Kong United Youth Association (Full Member)
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Ltd. (Life-time Corporate Member)
The International Institute of Management (Personal Member)
Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre HKMAAC (Written Exam Passed)