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香港心理衞生會  The Mental Health Association of HK  Lei Cheng Uk Sheltered Workshop 

NGO設計 香港心理衞生會  The Mental Health Association of HK  Lei Cheng Uk Sheltered Workshop


設計師大膽地利用一個 ‘心’ 字製造出入門口位置的品牌形象。 希望吸引所有路過的人及關心社會的人對於心理衛生會。 亦特別邀請了兩至三位著名插畫設計師,分別有chocolate rain 和 Sarah Tse 為今次非牟利工作做創作。使用在立體空間設計上,令其社企品牌得到更廣闊的發展!



TIA NGO Design

Designers boldly use a ‘heart’ word to create a brand image at the entrance.  We hope to attract all those who pass by and those who care about society to mental health.  It also invited two to three famous illustrators, including chocolate rain and Sarah Tse, for their non-profit work. Use in the three-dimensional space design, so that its social enterprise brands get a broader development!

TIA Interior

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