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仁濟醫院董事局牙科診所 Yan Chai Hospital Board Dental Clinic

診所設計 Clinic Design Dental Clinic at Fanling Yan Chai Hospital Board (3)
診所設計 Clinic Design Dental Clinic at Fanling Yan Chai Hospital Board (1)
診所設計 Clinic Desgin
診所設計 Clinic Design Dental Clinic at Fanling Yan Chai Hospital Board (4)
診所設計 Clinic Design Dental Clinic at Fanling Yan Chai Hospital Board (6)
診所設計 Clinic Design Dental Clinic at Fanling Yan Chai Hospital Board (7)
20110615_Letter (Yan Chai Hospital_Fanli













TIA Clinic Design

Sunshine and accessibility have been brought to a dental clinic, making it a functional and user-friendly place to work and visit.


The stand-alone hospital dental clinic at Fanling was re-designed to improve the layout and the way people experience the space.


The entryway was widened and a ramp installed for easy disabled access. Seating behind the glass entrance was removed in favour of a more welcoming purple padded bench that runs along one perimeter of the clinic, providing privacy for patients and a view of the television screen.


A curved reception counter flows along the opposite perimeter, welcoming people into the space and allowing nurses to see the entryway and all of their patients in a single glance.


The reception counter houses a convenient magazine rack for brochures and reading material, and patient card storage on the nurses side.


The design has been used as a template for subsequent dental clinics.

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